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Mental Models

My kids love the water. They will swim in mountain streams, oceans, and down rapids. Their mental model is “the water is a fun playground”. They experience the world very differently from someone who sees the water as dangerous. Great leaders share three mental models – sadly, the “not-so-great” leaders

Effective Strategies to Mitigate Stress and Prevent Burnout

Chronic work stress is a pervasive challenge in today’s professional landscape. It can manifest as emotional exhaustion, cynicism towards work, and a sense of reduced effectiveness. Left unchecked, this stress can culminate in burnout, a state of profound depletion that significantly hinders performance and well-being. It’s not a single event,

They Don’t Trust You

Trust is earned, the price is paid daily. Trusted leaders earn radically better performance, engagement, and employee vulnerability. Sadly, doing the work to become and stay trusted is not happening in our workplaces. How do I know – talk with anyone at work about how vulnerable they are willing to

The Art of Delegation: Empowering Teams and Boosting Productivity

In today’s fast-paced workplace, leaders are constantly bombarded with tasks. While the urge to do it all yourself might be strong, effective delegation is a crucial skill for success. It empowers your team members, fosters growth, and allows you to focus on strategic initiatives that drive the organization forward. Why