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Ameetha Garbharran, Ph.D.

Registered I-O Psychologist (Ph.D., Psychology), Board Certified Executive Coach (BCC), Certified Independent Corporate Director (CDI.D)

Dr. Ameetha Garbharran is an internationally registered I-O Psychologist, a certified Independent Corporate Director (CDI.D) and a Board Certified Executive Coach (BCC) based in North Vancouver, BC. She is the Founder and CEO of expsyt (with offices in Toronto and Vancouver). Specializing in leadership assessments for selection, development, promotion, succession planning and executive coaching, she draws on decades of global experience to select, develop and coach leaders from the C-suite downwards. Leveraging a comprehensive suite of assessments: personality and cognitive ability tests; emotional intelligence and 360° feedback tools; behavioural interviews and behavioural simulation assessments of real-world leadership challenges; she is adept at guiding decision-makers to make optimal, strategic talent decisions, facilitating self-insight for leadership development, and helping leaders fine-tune the key drivers of effective performance.



Ph.D., Psychology

Master of Social Science (I-O Psychology) Cum Laude

Bachelor of Social Science Honours (I-O Psychology) Cum Laude

Bachelor of Social Science (Majors: Psychology, Industrial Psychology)
